Monday, January 23, 2012

The Seckint Day of Class

A topic that stood out to me in class today was the concept of choices and how we have too many to choose from. The video we watched from was interesting to me because I agreed with pretty much every word he was saying. It's almost as if I knew what he was saying all along but it was just subconscious and not brought to the surface.

Daniel brought up that he had low expectations when he went to see movies like Green Lantern and Captain America. Then conversely he had high expectations when he went to see Harry Potter. He ended up having a different experience each time.

To me, I end up having super high expectations when I see movies. For example, I saw the comic book movie "Thor" over the summer and aboslutely hated it. I have yet to find a friend who feels the same way because they all loved it. When asked why I hated it by a friend, I told him I was comparing it to great comic book movies like The Dark Knight or Spiderman 2. My friend then said, "Well of course you're not gonna like it if you compare it to Dark Knight. You can't compare the two."

But then I ask, "Why the hell not?" I SHOULD have high expectations because I'm paying 10 dollars to see something I want to at least partially enjoy. In some cases I would pay 14 dollars!! If a movies like Dark Knight is so fantastic it should set the bar for future movies. ALL future movies should strive to be like it or reach the same amount of entertainment as it. That's how I feel about all expectations as a whole. Everything should have SOME kind of bar to be set otherwise we wouldn't be striving to SET any bar? Am I making sense??

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